CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection agency), is a federal regulatory authority in Canada that’s responsible to regulate the food products processed, manufactured, and distributed for consumption within Canada.
CFIA regulates all applicable food laws and regulations. CFIA is mandated to enforce the Safe Food for Canadians Act and Safe Food for Canadians Regulations.
Safe Food for Canadian Act
The Safe Food for Canadians Act (SFCA) is a new food Act of Canada (2019) which have consolidated 14 existing regulations into one set of regulations to integrate and enhance integration and consistency of rules, to lessen administrative burden and to enable food operations to be innovative through outcome-based provisions and offerings. The SFCA designed to transform Canada’s food safety system.
The SFCR came into force on January 15th, 2019. The Regulation necessitates food companies in Canada to comply with new requirements under the Safe Food for Canadian Act. In its simplest way, the new act required SFCR to offer essential elements to be implement to sell food in Canada to ensure safe food supply for Canadians i.e.,
Preventive Controls,
For most Canadian food business operations, the term licensing (for their operations) was new as until that time only high-risk food sector categories (i.e., dairy, egg, meat, poultry, and others) were required to be produced under CFIA approved establishments.
Now with this new regulatory requirement, almost all the food facilities and operation including import and export businesses require a license to run their food business in Canada. The CFIA expectations may be stringent based on the food risk category and nature of the operation.
Under this new act, the CFIA is authorized to identifying food businesses, collect information about the food business operation, approves facility Licensing, conducts food safety inspections, investigates food safety incidents/ recalls and take actions when noncompliance is observed and issues monetary penalties under the provisions of law.
A food business under the SFCR has an obligation and responsibility of ensuring the food manufactured domestically, imported, or exported is safe and meets the legal and regulatory requirements and also ensuring the food is of a nature, substance and quality that complies with the grade its compositional standards and requirements.
That’s why it’s imperative that for the consumer confidence on the food, the product label, advertising, and presentation is not complicated, misleading, or false and always meets the legislative and regulatory requirements.
Although the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR) came into force on January 15, 2019, certain requirements may apply in 2021 based on food commodity, type of activity and business size.
If you manufacture in Canada or import/ export food product to/ from Canada, Safe Food for Canadian Act (SFCA) and its regulations apply to your operation. The manufacturers and importer/ exporter or obliged to abide by applicate requirements.
To know how these Acts and Regulations apply to your business talk to an expert.
Food Vision’s services may include but not limited to providing technical support to understand, implement applicable acts/ regulatory requirements, review your preparedness or prepare your facility, operation and quality system to see level of compliance with upcoming CFIA Audit requirements.
- Safe Food for Canadian Act (SFCA) gap assessment
- Safe Food for Canadian Act (SFCA) compliance Review
- Safe Food for Canadian Act (SFCA) preparedness
- CFIA and Health Canada related regulatory compliance
Approved and Accredited Training Solutions.
To understand CFIA – Safe Food for Canadians Act/ Regulations, we also offer approved and accredited training solutions. Explore available trainings or Ask our training administrator for options.